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This is a 8 week online course is geared towards those who would like to explore and develop the gift of mediumship.

This course will provide you with a strong foundation evidentiary mediumship geared towards beginners. During this process medium presents evidence about the spirit communicator and proof of survival so that the sitter recognizes their Loved One in spirit. This is followed by the reason for the communication and a message.

I believe we all have natural psychic abilities and if we are open, can develop the gift of spirit communication. The purpose of mediumship is to prove that the soul survives death and that our Loved One’s are around us, taking an interest in our lives, supporting us and loving us beyond the veil.

Starting April 21st 2025, from 7pm - 9pm EST for 8 weeks

What is covered:

  • Tapping into the  Clairs - voyance/sentience/audience/cognizance/gustance/larience
  • Sitting in the Power
  • Spiritual Boundaries and Protection
  • How to deal with the analytical mind.
  • Structure of a reading
  • How to communicate with Spirit
  • Building the evidence
  • Bringing forth the message

What you get:

  • This is a progressive course, that will allow Lee to address the needs of the students as each week builds on the next.
  • We meet 1x a week as a group for LIVE training
  • Access to Private Facebook group for easy access to Lee. Practice sessions can be set up through the facebook group.
  • Supporting notes and meditation downloads
  • 2x personal assessments of your practice readings each week
  • 1x 30 min private zoom session each week if needed with Lee
  • End Goal: - the ability to conduct a private evidentiary mediumship reading for a person

Who should take this course?

  • If you are drawn to working with the spirit world and are drawn to developing this gift.
  • You are a natural medium but don’t know how to control or develop your gifts.
  • You would like to help people heal from their grief.
  • You would like to be in service to the spirit world.
  • You wish to develop confidence in your readings.
  • No previous experience is necessary, just the desire to work with the spirit world. The spirit world will support you.
  • You are beginning your journey as a medium
Sign up! (1 payment)
Sign up! (2 payments)


About the Tutor

Lee Vanzyl is a former lawyer from South Africa who now lives and works in NJ, USA. She is a professional medium, healer and tutor. She is is the owner and founder of the MontClairPsychic School and has been teaching this course for 18 years in person. Many mediums who have developed with Lee have gone onto being professional mediums and teachers in their own right. The mediums who have developed with Lee are known for their high standard and confidence in this field.


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