A Little About Lee Van Zyl


Lee VanZyl is a former lawyer from South Africa who now lives and works in the NYC metro area.  She underwent an incredible transformation in her own life and now works as a healer, psychic and medium and spiritual teacher. 

She is the founder of the MontClair Psychic School, a school that focuses on the development of Reiki Practitioners, Psychics and Mediums.  Her teaching style is one of mentoring, teaching skills with no fluff and empowering all who work with her to become the very best version of themselves.
She has taught and trained in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, USA and South Africa. She is a Spiritual Medium, Reiki Master, Pranic Healer, Trance Medium, Certified Clinical Hypnotist and Certified Life Coach. In her work she embraces people from all religions and backgrounds and guides them through the process of healing and embracing their spiritual gifts to enhance their lives to to work professionally in this field of work.

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